Mental Health

Behavioral health issues are a growing concern for employers, and we’re providing leadership on a number of ongoing initiatives designed to reduce stigma, improve access to help and lead to better outcomes.


  • The Mental Health Summit is a partnership among NEBGH, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) NYC Metro, The Kennedy Forum and the Partnership for Workplace Mental Health that brings employers together with other key stakeholders to discuss and find solutions to the challenges employers face in providing quality mental health care.  In 2015, this group launched the first-ever CEO Summit on Mental Health in the Workplace, an event that was replicated in 2016 in collaboration with Deutsche Bank, The Partnership for NYC, and The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.
    • A new toolkit for employers was unveiled; Click the below image to access this practical guide to creating a workplace environment of awareness, acceptance, prevention and recovery.


  • Right Direction is a first-of-its kind initiative launched by the Partnership for Workplace Mental Health designed to help decrease the stigma associated with depression – a leading cause of lost productivity in the workplace.  We collaborate with the Partnership and Employers Health Coalition to promote and provide employer access to the Right Direction employer toolkit. You can download an array of practical guides and tools for recognizing and addressing depression in the workplace HERE. Right_Direction_Logo_Full_Color


  • Thrive NYC is a major strategy and package of initiatives designed to address the mental health crisis in NYC; it is the signature effort by NYC First Lady Chirlane McCray.  Employers are an important component, and we are partnering with NYC to promote education and involvement.  You can learn more about Thrive and NYC’s Mental Health Roadmap HERE. ThriveNYC


  • The UnLoneliness Project, launched by the Foundation for Arts and Healing, is designed to broaden public awareness of the negative physical and mental health consequences of loneliness and social isolation – a growing public health concern – as well as to explore and promote creative arts-based approaches to dealing with it.  NEBGH is pleased to be a supporter of this effort; learn more about it HERE.UnLoneliness-d-copy