Get to Know – Diane

- Give us a brief overview of your job? I’m the one behind the scenes managing all of the NEBGH events from start to finish, approving your webinar and event registrations and printing your name badges for those “in person” events (I have missed printing your badges in our virtual world!) When you sponsor one of these fantastic events I support and guide you through the sponsorship process. I work hand in hand with everyone in big and small ways and love providing support for the NEBGH team and all of our members!
- What is one of your favorite parts of working at NEBGH? The camaraderie and the way that our small yet mighty team achieves such huge results on a daily basis. We also share a love animals and enjoy sharing animal stories and photos. A cute animal photo will brighten anyone’s day…especially during a virtual workday!
- Is it true that you know the name and spelling of every single NEBGH member and their contacts? Most likely yes! I’m a stickler for details.
- During your 6 years at NEBGH, how many contacts do you think you added into our CRM/database? Thousands!
- What was your first job? A weekend job in high school working at a costume rental shop. I had free rein to try anything on…which I did because it was a costume shop in quiet Venice, FL and there wasn’t a lot of demand for costumes 365 days a year! Through this job I was once hired by a local real estate agent to wear the Pink Panther costume and wave to passing cars on the highway to bring attention to the neighborhood open houses.
- When you’re not working for NEBGH, what do you do in your spare time? Obsessively watch documentaries and read biographies (I love reading about people and their lives.) I love to be artsy, crafty, creative and sew & sell on Etsy!
- What are some of your most important or favorite charitable endeavors? Volunteering is near and dear to my heart. I spent several years volunteering with Citymeals-On-Wheels and delivered meals to the home bound elderly in NYC. I also regularly volunteered at my neighborhood food pantry in NJ. Every holiday season I enjoy donating toys for children in need in my community.