NEBGH Voices

When it comes to health benefits and other issues facing employers, we often get one side of a multi-dimensional story. We are creating a different experience with NEBGH Voices, anchored by NEBGH’s own CEO, Kim Thiboldeaux. An award-winning host and documentary filmmaker, Kim prompts leading industry voices and other public figures to share insight and stories that give us a new angle to consider and then share with our networks. We also know you need a break from the headlines, so expect entertainers, athletes, or other prominent personalities to join us from time to time.

Host: Kim Thiboldeaux

Kim Thiboldeaux is a seasoned, passionate health care leader with experience in both the private and non-profit sectors, spanning multiple disease areas and health care topics including HIV and AIDS, organ transplant, oncology, caregiving, patient navigation, and health equity.

Kim served as CEO of the Cancer Support Community (CSC) for 20 years, from 2000-2020, leading a global nonprofit network that operates at 175 locations, including CSC and Gilda’s Club centers, and in multiple hospitals and cancer clinics. Combined with a toll-free Helpline, a Research Institute, and a DC-based Policy Institute, Kim grew this network of professionally-led services five-fold during her tenure. In her last year as CEO, the organization provided more than $50 million in free support and navigation services to patients and families.

Kim’s service includes appointments to the nation’s premier health care panels and boards. In 2019, Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, appointed Kim to the Novel and Exceptional Technology and Research Advisory Committee. This panel is focused on providing advice and serving as a transparent forum for discussion of the scientific, safety, and ethical issues associated with emerging biotechnologies. In 2017, Kim was appointed to serve on the Biden Cancer Initiative’s Board of Directors.

In serving as a patient advocate on these high-profile boards and panels, Kim has brought attention to inequities in our health care system. In 2019, she joined Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez, Dr. Jill Biden, and leaders of the Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation in Arizona to mark the opening of the first-ever full-time cancer and support center on an American Indian Reservation. Kim helped convene key Navajo Nation leaders, private sector supporters, and other officials to establish this culturally-adapted program located in an area larger than the state of West Virginia. That work led to the opportunity to develop a full-length, feature documentary, Navajo Nation USA, about the cancer center and the triumphs and challenges of the Navajo people. Kim is Executive Producer and Writer on the film (

In 2020, Stand Up To Cancer appointed Kim to its Equity Breakthrough Research Review Team, focusing on cancers affecting underrepresented populations. In 2019, the International Psychosocial Oncology Society presented Kim with the President’s Community Award for Distinguished Contributions at its Global Congress in Canada.

Kim has led numerous other initiatives to help patients and families in need. Most notably, she launched an emergency fund in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that provided financial relief grants to thousands of patients affected by the economic downturn and expanded the organization’s professionally-staffed Helpline as the call volume nearly doubled. In addition, as part of a two-year collaboration she led with Airbnb, more than 3,000 patients in need were provided free housing while traveling for treatment.

All Podcasts

March 24, 2025

Episode 6: Why is Women’s Health a Strategic Imperative for Employers?

Women’s health is not just a healthcare issue—it’s a business priority. In this episode of NEBGH Voices, we sit down with Elizabeth Bailey, Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Foreground Capital, to explore why investing in women’s health drives better outcomes for employees and employers alike. From market growth to workplace impact, tune in for expert insights on the future of women’s healthcare benefits and innovation. NEBGH Voices is produced by: Deren Abrams, Adria Subbiondo, and Christian Waugh ...
Elizabeth Bailey
February 21, 2025

Episode 5: Navigating Cancer Care: Advocacy, Support & Workplace Solutions

This episode of NEGBH Voices explores the vital role of patient navigation in cancer care, highlighting the emotional, financial, and logistical challenges faced by patients and caregivers. The discussion also covers the importance of psychosocial support, recent policy advancements in patient navigation reimbursement, and how employers can better support employees affected by cancer. Host Kim Thiboldeaux is joined by two experts in the field—Elizabeth Franklin, Head of US Public Affairs and Patient Advocacy in Oncology at Sanofi, and Marissa Fors, Director of Specialized Programs at CancerCare—who share valuable insights, practical advice, and essential resources for managing the complexities of cancer care and the workplace. NEBGH Voices is produced by: Deren Abrams, Adria Subbiondo, and Christian Waugh ...
Elizabeth Franklin, PhD, MSW
Marissa Fors, LCSW, OSW-C, CCM
January 20, 2025

Episode 4: Biomarker Testing in Cancer: Getting the Right Treatment to the Right Patient at the Right Time

Dive into the transformative power of biomarker testing in cancer care.  Host Kim Thiboldeaux speaks with Lena Chaihorsky, SVP of Payer Innovation at Alva10, and Ryan Hutto, Head of Commercial Diagnostics at Pfizer Oncology, about how biomarker testing is advancing personalized medicine.  Discover how this cutting-edge technology empowers patients, enhances diagnostic precision, and offers pathways to optimal treatment and cost savings. This episode also explores insurance coverage challenges, actionable results, and the critical role of employers in supporting personalized medicine. NEBGH Voices is produced by: Deren Abrams, Adria Subbiondo, and Christian Waugh ...
Ryan Hutto
Lena Chaihorsky
December 17, 2024

Episode 3: When a Benefit Goes Global

Get the inside story on how Sanofi sought to make the workplace more compassionate in the face of cancer and other life-altering medical diagnoses.
Alan Lubeck
Naeemah Blakely
November 20, 2024

Episode 2: Rethinking Cancer Screening: Early Detection and Innovation

This episode explores advancements in cancer screening and early detection highlighting innovations like multi-cancer early detection and their impact on employee health.
Eric Klein, MD