Pharmacy Benefits 2024

From GLP-1s, targeted gene therapies and biosimilars to PBMs, regulation, cost trend management and more…

We’ll ask:

  • Who benefits?
  • What’s the cost to employers?  Employees?
  • What should benefits leaders do – right now! – when they get back to their desks?
Register Now!
"NEBGH is one stop shopping for staff education and training, with no travel required! And the relationships I've built with other members outweigh the price of membership."
Shari Goldfarb, Deutsche Bank

Upcoming Events

July 22
NEBGH Members only, Webinar Mondays with Dr. Mark & Dr. Michael

The doctors are in! 

Dive into hot health topics with the experts and hear what you might need to do for your employees.

Every other Monday at 1 PM – it’s prescription viewing!

July 23
NEBGH Members only, Webinar Championing HealthyNYC!

Join Dr. Ashwin Vasan, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in conversation with Kim Thiboldeaux, NEBGH CEO, as they discuss HealthyNYC, the city’s campaign for healthier, longer lives. Learn about NEBGH’s involvement as an official Champion of this important initiative and how you can get involved as we work together to increase life expectancy of New Yorkers to 83 by 2030.

What you’ll learn:

  • Background of HealthyNYC
  • Drivers and Goals
  • Health in the Bigger Picture and the overlapping of community, social and structural factors
  • How NEBGH members can join HealthyNYC

August 13
NEBGH Members only, Webinar Shh! What Women Don’t Tell You About Their Health

Dive into the less talked about endometriosis, fibroids, and PCOS, and their unseen toll on women’s work life, equity, and well-being.

What you’ll learn:

  • Essentials of endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS.
  • Their impact on work productivity and presence.
  • Equity issues in diagnosis and care.
  • Expert insights.
  • Steps for creating a supportive work environment.

Featured Event

A Guide for Employers

Cancer in Working Age Adults

Colorectal cancer, breast cancer, head and neck cancer, skin cancer and cancer in reproductive organs are all increasing among younger adults.

But there’s a lot you can do to help prevent and detect these cancers – and provide support to employees affected by them.

Find out about key risk factors and actions you can take!